Περί κλοπής...("On theft...")

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 Unknown 0 Comments

                                                             -Excerpt from old ellenic movie-

                                               ("I got in on the 4-23-50, i get out on the 4-8-57")

- "So, if you grab a 1000, it is considered theft to the degree of minor misdemeanor and you get a month. If you grab 100.000 it is considered theft to the degree of misdemeanor and you might get up to 4. If you grab 10.000.000 it is called embezzlement, thus, upon agreement of the prosecutor and interrogator, you dodge the interrogation. If you grab 100.000.000 it is called abuse of trust and, to the degree of a fellony after all, the trial is postponed  and you get out via ruling. If you grab 500.000.000, it is called a contract and you get congratulated...go deeper into billions and trillions it is called currency exportation and you get a medal!!

- Yeap!